People often believe that to click a good picture one needs to have an expensive camera. However, the truth is that a good picture is all about composition. You can click a picture using a DSLR, but if the composition is poor, the image would not be as appealing as it should be. Here are quick and easy composition tricks that you can apply to your next travel pictures to make them more compelling.
Rule of Thirds
Imagine that two vertical and two horizontal lines divide your image, and you place your subject along those lines or the intersections. The composition created will be an off-centre composition that is more natural and pleasing to the eyes than the centred ones. This composition will also help in creating balance in the image.
Filling the Frame
It often becomes difficult to click images in crowded places, especially if you are trying to click portrait images. The best trick to apply in such situations is to fill the whole frame in such a manner that the background is either blurred out or is very partially visible.
Lines and Symmetry
Human eyes are naturally drawn towards lines and patterns, which can affect the way we view an image. Try capturing the lines, patterns and symmetry where they are least expected to make the image more eye-catching.
A depth in photography is defined as an image having a Three-dimensional view of a picture on a Two-dimensional surface. Depth is achievable if we include foreground, middle ground and background to an image.
Framing helps in achieving a more focused image that naturally draws the viewer’s eye to the point of interest. This helps in isolating the main subject from the outside world and gives depth to the image. A frame can be bridges, fences, trees or even hands.
Don’t Crop Off Limbs
Cropping off your subjects limbs like your person’s hand or an animal’s tail can lack impact. It will not only spoil the picture but also pull away from the attention from the main point of focus.