You’re in Bath, and I bet your first impression will be just how gorgeous it is. The architecture, the attractions, it’s ambience. It’s all here in this compact city found in the west of England.
Visit Bath and it’ll soon entrance you. One minute you’re in a Jane Austen movie, the next you’re back in Roman times. Now though, you’re in a quaint English tearoom sipping on a cup of earl grey! All part of the joy of exploring this city.
A weekend break here is the perfect length of time to wander around the city, explore its cobbled streets, visit its independent shops, and dive into its world class attractions. Oh, Bath has so much to do. Let’s waste no more time and discover what this city has in store. We give you four places you should visit.
1. The Roman Baths

It’s not just Bath’s principal attraction, but also one of Northern Europe’s most important Roman sites. They date back to 70AD, and as you learn about the history and see the baths for yourself. It’s an impressive sight. There are digital displays showing you how it once was for those that came here for relaxation. It’s a fascinating experience, which gives you a deep insight into Roman Britain. Make this your first stop.
2. Jane Austen Centre
Wandering around Bath feels like you’re in a Jane Austen film set. The honey-coloured Georgian architecture gives you that sense of being. Some of her most famous novels, including Persuasion, were set here. She didn’t live long in Bath, but she left her mark, and you can explore the relationship at the centre.
3. The Royal Crescent and the Circus
Just looking at the Royal Crescent is enough to inspire you. This Georgian masterpiece of architecture. No 1 Royal Crescent allows you to look inside, the rest in this semicircle terrace, are lived in dwellings. Eye-popping in looks, it’s one for the camera.
The Circus, which by the way isn’t a circus, is another architectural masterpiece. It’s a ring of Georgian houses (divided into three terraces). Several famous people have lived there, including David Livingstone. Another photographic moment to capture for the memories.
4. Bath Abbey

Our last place of note is Bath Abbey. It’s in the town centre, close to the Roman Baths, so you won’t miss it. Built in 1499, the Abbey is an impressive site. Worth a wander and is again another piece in the Bath historical jigsaw.
Aside from these splendid attractions, which would grace any major capital city, you have the opportunity just to explore the shops, tearooms, and meander down the river. And there’s the famous Bath Rugby club. You can see the stadium across the river from the main part of town. With top evening entertainment, from top theatres, restaurants, bars and clubs to complete your weekend or short break choices. Well, Bath delivers on every level.
So, as you sit sipping your tea in your quaint tearoom, get excited about what you are to see. Think about the history, the architecture and the surroundings. The conclusion? My, Bath is a wonderful place.